Friday, January 4, 2013

Trying {New} Things

There are a whole group of people out there who LOVE bacon.
My boyfriend is one of them. I am not so much, but am willing to try it out in some recipes. I found a recipe on for Bacon Spaghetti! It was very tasty... a nice light taste, not too much bacon flavor, which I appreciated. It made me happy to see him enjoy the meal so much. That's love right?
I'm going to make a couple changes next time I make this recipe. It calls for 1 lb of bacon and 1lb of noodles... depending on how many people I'm feeding I would just go ahead and do 1/2 lb of noodles. And make sure to crumble the bacon really well so it sticks to the noodles! Be brave and try it, it's the new year, and the bacon lovers in your life with thank you!

Here's the recipe! Let me know if you try it!     
 Bacon Spaghetti

Something else I love... but only once in awhile:
 Triscuits, dill pickles and cheddar cheese.
 Making fun little snacks makes me happy, and these are very unique and tasty. I do not eat pickles on anything but these. 
Again, just try it :)

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