Monday, December 17, 2012

::Maple syrup and garlic::

Tonight's dinner required a little bravery... Do soy sauce, garlic and maple  syrup really go well together? The answer is a resounding YES! A delicious combation, and especially for you (like me) who aren't normally salmon fans. Check out the recipe below. I made a green salad with it as well as some brown rice flavored with a little salt, butter, and garlic paste! Mmm Mmm good! Enjoy!
Maple Salmon Recipe <----

On another note: got a puppy for Christmas. A fun little border collie mix. His name is Mumford and he has quite the brain. Living up to his breeds reputation he is very intelligent, in the first day learned sit and shake. He's working on "give", "stay", and "lay". My goal: teach him to smile for the camera.

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