Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

It's a BABY...!

FLYNN DANIEL will be arriving this August! We are so excited about having a little boy to love on. As you may remember I was positive we were having a little girl (but was completely fine with either!) so when the tech announced "It's a boy!" at our ultrasound it was a fun surprise! Ryan's response was to pump his fist in the air.."yesssssss." It was a wonderful moment.
Because everyone is asking about his name: We just liked Flynn. My sister suggested it. The only time I've heard it is in Tangled (Flynn Rider). But we're going with it! Daniel is after Ryan's dad!

Everything looked great with little Flynn. Heart was beating at around 150bpm, and he was comfortable and cozy. The nurse tried to get him to move a couple times so she could take some better pictures, but he only moved a little and actually laid there with both hands behind his head haha! We got to see him yawn, which was just too cute.
He currently weighs 1/2 pound, which is right on target. The doctor did not see anything to be concerned about. My thyroid is under control, and the fibroid in my uterus is towards the back, so shouldn't cause any issues with delivery! Thank you Lord!

  • In other news:

    Ryan and I have been working like crazy to get our house ready to put up on the market. After a lot of discussion, prayer, and thought, Ryan and I decided it's time for him to leave the Army once his contract is up... which is the end of July! I'm so looking forward to no more field exercises, gone for long periods of time, and the crazy insane hours he sometimes pulls. Prayers are appreciated as he searches for a job. (Our dream would be to live in Tulsa, OK). He is working with head-hunter agencies and has already had several interviews. Several of the jobs are here in Texas... Dallas, Houston, West Texas... We'll go wherever he can get a good job, but I'm hoping it's somewhere I'll also be happy ;-)   I know that no matter where we end up God has a great plan for us.
    Here's what our timeline looks like:

    As we're getting ready to stage the house there have been many changes. Taking down all of the personal photos, installing new flooring in the living room, putting in new countertops. The house doesn't feel quite as homey any more. But we are hoping to sell quickly and be able to move on!

    If everything goes as hoped we'll sell our house and live with my sister for any remaining time in Texas. June 9th Ryan can officially begin a new job (wherever that may be). I plan to continue to work until the beginning of July, and then join Ryan. This will give us time to get settled into our new house or apartment and I'll have around a month and 1/2 to get settled with a new doctor and get Flynn's room set up! Perfect time for nesting.

    Ryan and I go back and forth between realizing how crazy we are for choosing all of these big changes at one, and being excited for what's to come! We trust it will work out, and that we'll get through. But it's a lot to through at newlyweds... by our one year anniversary we'll have gone on quite the adventure. I'm so thankful to be married to such a solid man. We work so well together and are able to make decisions we're both pleased with and supportive of.

    A few prayer requests: Insurance! Once Ryan begins his new job we're praying that we have sufficient insurance for baby's arrival! New home! We have not yet decided if we will look for a new home to purchase, rent a duplex, etc. Job for Ryan! He's looking and has had several interviews. As the time gets closer he's expecting to receive offers... prayers for wisdom are greatly appreciated! We truly want to make the best decision for us, and for our little family and not focus only on the money or location.

    Thank you everyone for your congratulations and encouragement to us during this time! It's tiring, but exciting.

    Live a bold and fabulous day!

    Wednesday, March 12, 2014

    Bouncing off the (uterine) walls!

    126 days pregnant (18 weeks)! 154 days to go!

    This morning I had the exciting experience of feeling little flutters from baby kicking around! I laid very still and poked at the baby a little and felt some more little somersaults! I can't wait for Ryan to be able to feel the baby movements as well. I can feel baby kicking around even as I sit here!

    This baby is VERY active. We had a doctor's appointment a couple days ago, and as the nurse was listening for the heartbeat we could hear baby kicking over and over again! Took awhile for her to locate the heartbeat (she was learning)... but once she did it was nice and strong. 150bpm.

    Baby is approximately 5 inches long now (head to rump)... we'll get a more exact length next week at our ultrasound appointment.
    I cannot WAIT to see the little munchkin again and see how much growing has been done. We'll also be able to tell if we're having a boy or girl... and can I just say, this mama is SO ready to know! The anticipation is killing me! Kudos to those of  you who can wait until the delivery room. I'd never be able to. :)

    Thyroid update: had labs drawn again last week and met with my doctor yesterday. Everything looks good, the dose of Synthroid they have me on is working. The doctor told me yesterday that my numbers were only slightly off the first time, so if I wasn't pregnant she wouldn't have put me on medicine at all. I may be able to wean off of it after delivery. However, my antibodies were >900 and are only supposed to be a 9. So the doctor did tell me that eventually I would need to start taking meds. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Glad to have knowledgeable professionals taking good care of me! And very thankful that thus far there have been no negative effects to baby. They'll check his/her little thyroid next week at the ultrasound as well.  <3

    I discovered this wonderful little place called "Other Mother's" here in town. They sell used baby clothes, toys, bouncers, etc. I've already been in twice just to look around and dream. I love the pretty little girl clothes, but the boy clothes are just as endearing. The newborn items are SO tiny! Ahh! I've already convinced Ryan that as soon as we find out boy or girl we are headed there to buy our first outfit! I cannot wait!

    Yesterday, while leaving a message for my OB to call me, I told the receptionist that my phone number is 911. She laughed.
    Today I found that I had ripped a hole near the zipper of my pants. The just a couple hours later suddenly the button SPRANG off of my pants. Had to sew that back on as well.. but definitely did not try to re-button my pants. Good thing my shirt is long... haha Time for maternity pants?! I feel like I'm carrying low... My belly isn't huge, but definitely cannot wear my regular jeans still.

    Making a baby is hard work- I've been very tired the past three days (or maybe that's just the time change?). I'm so excited to be a mommy to this little one growing inside of me. Despite the growing pains, I'm not taking this experience for granted! Very thankful that I get the opportunity of growing this little life.

    Monday, March 3, 2014


    We've almost hit 17 weeks! 
    17 is my number! Born on March 17th... 17 was my jersey number in volleyball (and in all my college intramural sports), I was married on the 17th, my dog's birthday is the 17th, and I have two siblings born on the 17th as well! Fun stuff. 

    My back is beginning to suffer the effects of this pregnancy. The muscles in my hips and lower back are being pulled and stretched significantly... ouch! I saw a chiropractor Saturday morning, which was lovely. However, after doing some yard work that afternoon my back was shot again. Sigh. Guess I'll have to take it a little more easy. And I think a massage is due soon... :)

    I'm waiting expectantly to feel baby move... although I know it probably won't be for another couple weeks. Every time my tummy gurgles a little I wonder if it's baby saying "hi mom!"

    My husband and I are beginning to research diapers, strollers, and carseats. Realizing how NEW we are at this! Wow, what an overwhelming feeling. It's nerve-wracking making these important decisions for the safety of our future child. Currently hubby is looking up the benefits of using amazonmom.com for purchases like diapers, detergents, etc. Anyone had any experience with this? Would love feedback! 

    For the stroller we've found a wonderful combo pack... jogging stroller along with infant carseat. Our Stroller Pick! We're thinking (and mom's feel free to weigh in) that it will be more cost effective to first buy an infant carseat and then purchase a front-facing seat when the time comes... as we will mostly likely (Lord-willing) be adding more children to the family in the future. 

    Now the decision to be made: cloth diapers or regular? 

    Wednesday, February 26, 2014

    Always HUNGRY & other side effects of pregnancy

    Well I'm 16 weeks today! Here's last weeks' photo...
    Belly is becoming firm and definitely growing! I have been experiencing round ligament pains from all of the stretching and growing! Good signs, but definitely can cause me to catch my breath now and then. I'm starting to use the rubber band technique instead of actually buttoning my pants... and I use the Belly Band a dear friend sent me as well. I'm so thankful warmer weather is coming so I can wear dresses and skirts- WAY more comfortable.
    I am hungry ALL of the time suddenly. Even after I've eaten a meal I do not feel full. So far I'm doing good, not giving in to the temptation to eat more than I need, but it's HARD! My ONLY craving so far has been Coca Cola! And yes, I give in. Not everyday... but frequently enough. I didn't drink it before, but for some reason now my mouth just waters thinking about it. I'm gonna pause my writing and go grab a Coke before I continue... :)

     I've been attending bootcamp in the morning's still, and that has helped with energy as well as just making me feel better about myself. It's also helped keep off excess weight... I believe the 10 pounds I have gained are right on schedule with baby. :)  Hoping I can continue throughout pregnancy!

    As of my last appointment this past week I have been moved to Perinatology (maternal-fetal care) as a high risk pregnancy. This is due to my thyroid issues, which they will continue to monitor, as well as the fibroid in my uterus. We heard baby's heart beat loud and clear, and everything else seems a-ok! I absolutely loved my midwife though, so I was bummed about the transition, although thankful they are being watchful over baby and me. I'm hoping to connect with the Doctor as well, and trusting that the midwife made the right call in sending me elsewhere.

    March will be a busy month for Doctor's appointments, as I have two with the Endocrinologist to draw labs again and see how the Synthroid is affecting my Hashimoto's. Then I have two more appointments; one to meet my new OB and the other for our ULTRASOUND! (This will be the one that will reveal baby's gender!) March 19th is the exciting date. I'm still thinking girl... we'll find out pretty soon! The ultrasound will also show where the fibroid is located and whether or not it will impede birth at all. If it is in a position that will not allow the baby to pass, we'll opt for a C-Section.

    It is beginning to hit me more and more that there will be a BABY in my arms come August! I need to start researching strollers, and car seats and cribs. Ideas are always welcome. I have started lightly brainstorming ideas for baby rooms... I like gray, lavender and mint for a little girls room. We'll probably do a Harry Potter theme if it's a boy. There are SO many great Pinterest ideas for that.

    I suppose it won't hurt to announce our name choices for baby...
    Ainslee Joy or Flynn Daniel.
    The first names have no significance other than we like them. Joy is my middle name, and Daniel is Ryan's dad's name.

    Monday, February 10, 2014

    {Just a Baby blurp...}

    I've been told that I need to start blogging my pregnancy journey... which I think was a BRILLIANT idea. So here's my attempt at being informative, creative, and witty all at once. Enjoy (Hannah)!

    We're PREGNANT!
    Dec. 6th, 2013  a little plus sign changed our lives forever. No, we weren't trying (yet). Yes we were SUPER excited! Had planned on starting to try this month [Feb] so it wasn't tooooo far ahead of "schedule". A blessing from the Lord <3   Ryan had stepped out to the store as I took the test, so while he was out I grabbed some lipstick and wrote across my belly "YOU'RE A DADDY!" and lifted up my shirt for him to see when he walked in the door.
    One of my dear friends was constantly texting back and forth with me as I worked up the nerve to take the test. I called and told her it was positive and there was a blood-curdling scream on the other side :) All along, it's been such a joy to share our news with others!

    GUESS WHAT...?!?
    When we found out, I was right at about 5 weeks along. We decided to wait to announce our pregnancy to family and close friends at Christmas. I couldn't hold it in from my sister, so I broke and told her earlier... It was SO hard to wait, and yet sort of fun, knowing we had a big secret. There were those awkward moments of refusing a glass of wine I normally would have drank that forced us into telling a couple close friends earlier. Their reaction of shock was priceless.


    We spent Christmas with my husband's family, and got to share the news with them on Christmas Eve. I had made some little mugs that said "Merry Christmas Grandpa/Grandpa" on them. We video taped as they opened their gifts... and the surprise set in. "NO WAY". "WHEN?" "CONGRATULATIONS!" Many hugs and smiles.
    The next morning we shared the same news with my parents and brothers via Skype. I had sent the same mugs to them. More huge smiles, more congratulations, more surprised looks. Both families are thrilled and supportive and looking forward to meeting little baby. 

    After telling our families we were able to share the news with close friends either in person, email, Skype, or a phone call. There were some wonderful reactions here as well. In most cases when they said "how are you?!" I replied with "good... Just having some morning sickness" and then enjoyed the reaction! 
    Many more smiles and congratulations! Ryan and I are so so blessed with the amazing support of those around us. 

    Up until 10 1/2 weeks I experienced morning sickness in the form of nausea every day all day. It was exhausting. I have an AMAZING husband who cooked, cleaned, and took such good care of me. Couldn't have done it without him. Once the morning sickness subsided about 3 weeks ago I've enjoyed being pregnant! 
    So far the baby looks healthy and happy! 
    This ultrasound pic was at 12 weeks! 4.81 cm long. Is that not the sweetest picture ever? 

    Next ultrasound is March 19 and we hope to find out if we're having a little boy or girl! What do you think? (I'm thinking girl).

    I'm doing well- although have been on antibiotics for GBS. It was also found that I have a fibroid in my uterus, but we wont know more abut that until the next ultrasound. Just today I learned I have Hashimoto's thyroid disease which I'll begin being treated for tomorrow. Thankful for good doctors and an amazing midwife! Trusting The Lord to take care of me and baby ❤️

    I'm 13 weeks and 5 days along- I begin my second trimester on Wednsday! Excited for this new phase. Cannot wait to really start having a baby bump, to feel the first kicks, and to start shopping! 
    Blessed to have the opportunity to experience this amazing gift of pregnancy. :) 

    Much more to come...

    Saturday, January 25, 2014


    OUR FIRST CHRISTMAS TOGETHER (and married at that!). Such a wonderful time to spend with the man I love. It's interesting though, melding our two traditions together... what we both grew up with and know, and what our new traditions will be.

    He grew up opening gifts on Christmas Eve. I grew up opening 1 gift Christmas Eve, after attending a Candlelight Service at my dad's church, and then getting up Christmas morning to open the rest of the gifts and spend family time together. Because we're spending this Christmas with his family we are not getting the opportunity to create our own sort of Christmas- (I'm excited to share in their traditions!). Once we have a family of our own (gasp!) we'll begin to mold our own Christmas and what it looks like for this new Spangler couple. <3
    Picking our first Christmas tree (his first REAL tree!)
    Ta-Da! So fun decorating our first tree- I love how our living room looks now!