Monday, February 10, 2014

{Just a Baby blurp...}

I've been told that I need to start blogging my pregnancy journey... which I think was a BRILLIANT idea. So here's my attempt at being informative, creative, and witty all at once. Enjoy (Hannah)!

Dec. 6th, 2013  a little plus sign changed our lives forever. No, we weren't trying (yet). Yes we were SUPER excited! Had planned on starting to try this month [Feb] so it wasn't tooooo far ahead of "schedule". A blessing from the Lord <3   Ryan had stepped out to the store as I took the test, so while he was out I grabbed some lipstick and wrote across my belly "YOU'RE A DADDY!" and lifted up my shirt for him to see when he walked in the door.
One of my dear friends was constantly texting back and forth with me as I worked up the nerve to take the test. I called and told her it was positive and there was a blood-curdling scream on the other side :) All along, it's been such a joy to share our news with others!

When we found out, I was right at about 5 weeks along. We decided to wait to announce our pregnancy to family and close friends at Christmas. I couldn't hold it in from my sister, so I broke and told her earlier... It was SO hard to wait, and yet sort of fun, knowing we had a big secret. There were those awkward moments of refusing a glass of wine I normally would have drank that forced us into telling a couple close friends earlier. Their reaction of shock was priceless.


We spent Christmas with my husband's family, and got to share the news with them on Christmas Eve. I had made some little mugs that said "Merry Christmas Grandpa/Grandpa" on them. We video taped as they opened their gifts... and the surprise set in. "NO WAY". "WHEN?" "CONGRATULATIONS!" Many hugs and smiles.
The next morning we shared the same news with my parents and brothers via Skype. I had sent the same mugs to them. More huge smiles, more congratulations, more surprised looks. Both families are thrilled and supportive and looking forward to meeting little baby. 

After telling our families we were able to share the news with close friends either in person, email, Skype, or a phone call. There were some wonderful reactions here as well. In most cases when they said "how are you?!" I replied with "good... Just having some morning sickness" and then enjoyed the reaction! 
Many more smiles and congratulations! Ryan and I are so so blessed with the amazing support of those around us. 

Up until 10 1/2 weeks I experienced morning sickness in the form of nausea every day all day. It was exhausting. I have an AMAZING husband who cooked, cleaned, and took such good care of me. Couldn't have done it without him. Once the morning sickness subsided about 3 weeks ago I've enjoyed being pregnant! 
So far the baby looks healthy and happy! 
This ultrasound pic was at 12 weeks! 4.81 cm long. Is that not the sweetest picture ever? 

Next ultrasound is March 19 and we hope to find out if we're having a little boy or girl! What do you think? (I'm thinking girl).

I'm doing well- although have been on antibiotics for GBS. It was also found that I have a fibroid in my uterus, but we wont know more abut that until the next ultrasound. Just today I learned I have Hashimoto's thyroid disease which I'll begin being treated for tomorrow. Thankful for good doctors and an amazing midwife! Trusting The Lord to take care of me and baby ❤️

I'm 13 weeks and 5 days along- I begin my second trimester on Wednsday! Excited for this new phase. Cannot wait to really start having a baby bump, to feel the first kicks, and to start shopping! 
Blessed to have the opportunity to experience this amazing gift of pregnancy. :) 

Much more to come...

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