Friday, August 30, 2013


Two weeks ago, on August 17, 2013 I married my best friend. It was one of the most special times and greatest memories I'll cherish forever! It was special because we committed to love one another through thick and thin. 

I wish I had a copy of the wisdom the pastor shared. The ceremony was beautiful and meaningful. We paused during the ceremony to look out at the crowd gathered in support of our marriage. Making eye contact with so many special people made me tear up, in gratitude and love for each one of them being present and supportive. 

We shared communion as our first act marriage, which my daddy offered words about and prayed over. It was such a quiet, beautiful moment- praying with my new husband, thanking The Lord for His amazing forgiveness and dedicating our lives together for him. 

We had THE.BEST. Kiss when Pastor Josh announced us man and wife. Surreal. Joyful. Amazing. Full of love. Full of happiness. 

The reception was amazing- because of the friends and family there to celebrate with us! We found the BEST caterer- CoTown Crepes. They made some amazing food and were sooo sweet and helpful! There was delicious sangria, home brew, and Shiner. Homemade cobblers were our dessert- a gift from dear friends, served with none other than Blue Bell Ice Cream- another gift! 

We danced to "I'll never stop" by Safety Suit. There was dancing and celebration everywhere! The grooms grandma even tried one of his home-brews... :) 

There are too many details to go into, but it was all perfect. My hubby and I agree it would not have been as perfect as it was had it not been for my sister (one of my maids of honor). She was a ROCKSTAR! And of course our families and many friends who helped. We were thrilled :)

We ran through a shower of biodegradable confetti (got some in my mouth... It melted...yuck) and got into our car to drive away (I drove). It was so fun seeing everyone so happy and excited for us! 

We had a wonderful hour and half drive to our hotel. We needed the time to process and talk about our WEDDING DAY! Once we arrived at the hotel (we were upgraded!) we enjoyed some strawberries and champagne. It was the perfect ending to a magical day...(obviously I'm leaving our some of the details of the night) ;)

Our honeymoon in the Bahamas was fantastic! Relaxing. Great food. Sunshine. Rainbows from the daily rains. Adventures. Just my hubby and me ❤

We're settling in to married life, as much as two can settle only two weeks in. I love going to bed with him and waking up with him. Arriving home and waiting for him. Laughing with him. Making plans with him. Talking about our life. Praying. Setting up our HOME. Learning every day to be more vulnerable. Learning to be honest and open, and to give more of myself than ever. It's a wonderful journey, and I know we'll continue to grow and learn each day we get to be with one another.

So thankful to The Lord for bringing us together. Thankful to Ryan for being so patient (waiting for several years before I said yes) and for being such a loving, understanding man. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Read this in a blog today so I stole it (just like that blogger did.)

It is so extrememly important to know who you are marrying... I know my fiance and I have asked most of these questions... but I still want to go through and see if there are any we might have missed, or need to review.
I love learning new things about him, and sharing my thoughts and feelings about life. Sharing our hopes and dreams is always exciting, memorable, and so meaningful. <3


If we eliminated physical attraction from our relationship, what would be left?
What is the best way for me to show that I love you?
If I put on weight, will it affect our sexual relationship? How?
Is it important for you to know that I’m a virgin? Why or why not?
What do I do that causes you to question my love?
What turns you off sexually?
How would our relationship be affected if for medical reasons we could not have children?
Do you think being in love means: (1) Never having to say you’re sorry, (2) Always having to say you’re sorry, (3) Knowing when to say you’re sorry, or (4) Being the first to say I’m sorry?

The Past
Which childhood experiences influence your behavior and attitude the most?
Could any feelings of affection and romance be revived if you met a previous boyfriend/girlfriend even though you feel strongly committed to me?
Is there anything in your past I should be aware of?
What did you dislike the most about your previous partners?
If your past boyfriends/girlfriends listed your most negative characteristics, what would they be?
Do you keep letters and memorabilia from past relationships? Why or why not?
Are you comfortable continuing this relationship if there are things in my past that I am not willing to share with you?
Have you ever been involved in any criminal activities? What were they?
Did your mother or father abuse each other or you in any way- sexually, emotionally, or physically?
Have you ever been able to overcome a bad habit? What was it?
Have you ever been violent in past relationships?
Have there been times when you were uncomfortable with the way I behaved with the opposite sex? If so, when and what did I do?
What do I do now or what could I do in the future that would make you mistrust me?
Would you be comfortable transferring all your money into my bank account?
Who comes first, your spouse or your children?
Is trust automatic until something occurs that takes it away, or does it evolve over time?
Do you trust me with money?
Is it permissible for us to open each other’s mail?

The Future
How are we different? Could this be a source of future conflict? Do our differences complement each other?
Do you anticipate maintaining your single lifestyle after we are married? That is, will you spend just as much time with your friends, family and work colleagues? Why or why not?
How did your family resolve conflicts when you were growing up? Do you approve or disapprove of that method? what will you change or not change to resolve conflicts in your future family?
Is there anything about marriage that frightens you?
Would you prefer to live in the city, the country, or by the beach? Why?
If I wanted to move away from our families for work, would you support me?
How would it affect you if I travel on my own frequently to (1) visit family, (2) earn income, (3) pursue a hobby, or (4) deal with stress?
Suppose we are experiencing trouble in our marriage. In what order will you seek help from the following to resolve our conflicts: (1) divorce lawyer, (2) your parents, (3) a brother or sister (4) a marriage counselor, (5) me, (6) a church leader? Why?
How will you support my hobbies?
How do you feel about having our parents come to live with us if the need arises?
Is there anything you would regret not being able to do or accomplish if you married me?
How will we schedule holidays with our families?

Do you want children?
If we are unable to have children, should we adopt?
Do you anticipate raising our children (1) the same way you were raised (2) completely differently from the way you were raised (3) a mixture of both?
How long would you like to wait before having children?
Other than formal schooling, what types of education will our children get and how will they receive them?
When we have children, who will change the diapers, heat the bottles, prepare the meals, do the housework, bathe the child, get up in the middle of the night when a child is crying, take the child to the doctor, buy clothing, and dress the child?
What types of discipline would you implement to correct a child’s or a teenager’s behavior? Were these practices you experiences or are they new ones you have developed on your own?
If I had bad breath or body odor or wear dirty clothes, will you tell me? Should I tell you? Why or why not? How should we do it?
What is nagging? Do I nag? How does it make you feel?
DO you approve without reservation of the way I dress?
What does my family do that annoys you?
Would it bother you if I made body noises all the time, like passing gas or burping?
Is there anything you do in your line of work that I would disapprove of or that would hurt me?
Do you believe that you should stick with a marriage if you are unhappy all the time?
When do you need space away from me?

Whenever we have difficult feelings about each other, should we (1) remain silent, (2) say something as soon as the difficult feelings arise, (3) wait a certain amount of time before raising the issue, or (4) do something else? If so, what?
If you always say you are going to do something but never do it, what is the most effective way to bring this problem to your attention?
What did you admire about the way your mother and father treated each other?
What is the best way for me to communicate difficult feelings about you so that you are not offended?
Who should know bout the arguments we have?
What makes you not want to talk to me?
Do you feel you could communicate with me under any circumstance and about any subject?

What justifies going into debt?
What are all your current personal debts?
Do you feel stress when facing financial problems? How do you deal with that stress?
How often do you use credit cards, and what do you buy with them?
How should we prepare for a financial emergency?
Do you feel that lack of money is a good reason not to have children?
When our child is born, will he or she go to daycare or will one of us stay home to take care of the child? Who will it be?
Will we have a budget?
Who will pay the bills?
How do you feel about helping me pay my debts?
What are your feelings about saving money?
Do you prefer separate bank accounts or assets in different names? Why?

How would you rank all the priorities in your life: work, school, family, spouse, friends, hobbies, and chuch? Does your ranking reflect the amount of time you spend on each?
Are you closer to your mother or father? Why?
Do you prefer a set daily work schedule or flexible work activities and timetables?
What do you fear?
What influence, if any, do you believe my family should have on our relationship?
Do you believe that our parents should know our financial condition, whether good or bad, just because they want to? How far should this go?
What are your views on pornography?
How would you react if our son or daughter told us they were gay?
Do you harbor any racial prejudice?
How do you feel about having guns in our home?
Is there anyone close to you who feels we should not get married? Why? Should we this?
What health problems do you have?
Have you ever had any psychological problems?
When you are in a bad mood, how should I deal with it?
Do you like pets?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Forgetful Bride

So it's 66 days until THE day and I'm starting to lose my mind! I haven't been stressed out- but my brain just can't hold all of the ideas and to-do lists I have in it! 

Had my first disappointment: ordered some awesome bow ties from only to hear that they didn't have enough for all the groomsmen! *deep breath* just be flexible, order ties in the same print instead. It felt so great just letting go and moving on with plans! 

I'm down to the nitty-gritty details, and still so thankful for so many people helping, encouraging, and praying for us during this time! 

66 days... It was just yesterday we still had over 100 to go! Time is flying by. Enjoying the engagement and looking forward to the wedding and marriage!!! 
P.s. my fiancĂ© and I went on a Segway tour of Austin, TX for our one year dating anniversary! So fun and dorky! Great spending the day together :) 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I'm the (next) Bride!

I was a bridesmaid in a beautiful wedding last weekend. The date was 5/5 at 5pm. How cute is that?!
It was glorious being involved in the special day of two dear friends. Everything went wonderfully, the decorations were beautiful, the bride looked amazing, the ceremony was meaningful, and the guests all enjoyed themselves thoroughly!
The bride and groom drove away to a fanfare of sparklers waving in the air! 

And they lived happily ever after...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Praise for the blessings

I have been so blown away by all the help, encouragement, love, support, and generosity from people around me as my fiancé and I plan our wedding!

-A beautiful lady who's known me since birth will create beautiful bouquets for my wedding day. She is helping find some beautiful ribbon to decorate with!
-A college friend of my mom (and her daughter) have offered wedding planning advice, volunteered to help clean up after the wedding, AND are making (and paying for) the cobblers for the wedding ❤
-my fiances parents are paying for our honeymoon to the Bahamas!
-my parents are helping out pay for many wedding expenses!
-my grandmother is renting tables and providing table clothes!
-I have an amazing caterer and photographer!
-Our church is fantastic, so flexible, and I can't wait to decorate the place!
-The best man's mom is catering my bachelorette party and breakfast the morning of! ❤
-I have my co-maid of honors planning a fun bachelorette party!
-one of my bridesmaids is going to throw me a bridal shower!
-a new friend here wants to plan a fun bridal activity as well and has offered to help with anything I need!

There are SO many more blessings I could list! Thank you Lord! So amazing!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Engaged {in a whirl wind}

My boyfriend of 9 months proposed to me two weeks ago, on March 24th. He was perfect. He was sitting doing homework, and I was cuddling with my puppies... We actually have pictures of this (of course, it's me)!
He suddenly looked at me (at about 5:50pm) and said, "hey let's go get a drink!" I thought it was weird timing because i was getting ready to make dinner, but agreed. I called my sister and told her dinner would be late, she said he was just hanging out at our apartment. On our way downtown Ryan suddenly took a turn and said "oh that gazebo we went to on our first date is over here isn't it? Lets drive by!" (I started getting suspicious)... When he parked in front of the gazebo and got out I started getting nervous/excited, and I said "we're getting out?" He told me he wanted to take a picture together, which was weird because he doesn't like taking pictures normally! We walked up to the gazebo and talked, goofed off, took our picture. It was cold, and Ryan gave me his coat... Then he said "hey hand me what's in the pocket there..." I reached in... A RING BOX! And then he was down on his knee... "Lisa Clark, will you marry me?" Ahhhhhhh! :) happiest moment of my life thus far! Of course I said YES!

He had my sister hiding in the bushes taking pictures of the whole thing! It was perfect :) he did sooo good with the ring as well! I'm beyond blessed and happy!

Monday, January 21, 2013

$aving Money

I'm working on learning to budget better, to save money, and spend in better ways. But we have to spend money on certain items, like food. And we want food that is appetizing and tastes good. But I was sure there was ways I could spend less while still creating delicious meals. I found this article on Ways to Save Money and it was extremely practical. Just using chicken on the bone once a week instead of boneless and skinless chicken breasts will save you $78 a year! And if you have tofu once a week instead of sirloin you could save over $200. Now that's definitely worth it. And it's just little changes once a week or so... nothing drastic. Check it out. I'm definitely going to start trying this method!

I'm also attempting to make myself be more organized and task-oriented. I'm learning to set goals and then pick out the most important goal that I need to focus on. And hopefully that one success will then help me in reaching my other goals. :)  On my iphone I downloaded the Any.Do app for writing To-Do lists. It's great. Sets reminders, you can use the calendar, and you just swipe to erase your to-do once it's accomplished... always a great feeling. :]

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Canola instead of Olive...

Who watched "The Magic School Bus" growing up? Ms. Frizzles catchphrase is "get messy, take chances, make mistakes..." and have a great time doing so. I need to have that attitude more in my life. It's so easy to get uptight. But instead of doing so I simply need to smile and laugh things off. Learn from my mistakes and then just let go. Not always easy to do, but a very helpful school to have.

This week was a crazy one... especially one day in particular. The window in my apartment bedroom had a bad leak, and I went to let my puppy out at my boyfriend's house and found that he learned to jump over the gate in the kitchen and had ripped apart the living room. He also decided that the guest room made a good bathroom.

 I have continued to try different recipes cooking... and am learning ITS OK if things don't turn out perfect, or if people do not like what you cook. I attempted to make some garlic noodles with the Maple Salmon recipe I posted before. Right after I poured in the oil the recipe called for in the noodles I realized I had used Canola Oil instead of EVOO. And I had used TOO Much. Oops. A little extra EVOO wouldn't have been bad. But noodles covered in and dripping Canola oil... that wasn't the tastiest thing I've ever created. I also made my own version of a carrot/apple salad, because I needed to use up those ingredients. I only added mayo and black pepper, and while I enjoyed it others did not. So that meal was a dud. However I allowed myself to laugh about it. I'm learning it's very very important to stay light-hearted when I cook. It's something I enjoy and I don't need to make it into something that's stressful, or something that defines me. Just because people don't love my carrot/apple slaw creation does not mean that they don't love ME.

Life definitely can be messy, and things do not go as planned. Smile, let your dog dig in the dirt, and the wash off the mess later. Live your life to the fullest, don't put limits and boundaries on the possibilities that are out there. Make the memories that will stay with you for the rest of your life and forget the days that don't go like you planned. They are just part of the journey.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Mrs. Sanderbrink: Happy New Year 2013

Mrs. Sanderbrink: Happy New Year 2013: The first day of the New Year is a groggy one for most! Most people around the world stay up WAY too late ringing in the New Year, maybe hav...

Adventure: Good for the soul

Adventure: it's good for us. It's so easy to get caught in routine... doing the same thing over and over. Doing things the easy way. Never stopping our busy lives to enjoy the beauty of God's creation around us. And we don't go seeking it. Compared to Oregon, where I grew up, Texas terrain is much less green, lush and the lack of mountains can be saddening. Today I took a drive with my dog and ran across beauty here in Texas. I found a place only 10 minutes from home that was silent. When I opened my car door and stepped out, no noise greeted me but the quiet wind and the slightest movement of water.

We walked around, exploring and soaking in the sights (and smells) and just enjoying the brisk weather. I love people out in the "wilderness", they are so friendly. Both trucks that drove by waved politely as they passed. Why can't we acknowledge those around us in the store? Or as we're driving through town? Or waiting in line somewhere? Why do we always ignore each other instead of taking the chance to brighten or bless someone's day? Take this year to revamp the way you live, the way you define life, the way you interact with those around you. Make sure you go on little adventures. Mine took less than 2 hours today. Do not make excuses :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Trying {New} Things

There are a whole group of people out there who LOVE bacon.
My boyfriend is one of them. I am not so much, but am willing to try it out in some recipes. I found a recipe on for Bacon Spaghetti! It was very tasty... a nice light taste, not too much bacon flavor, which I appreciated. It made me happy to see him enjoy the meal so much. That's love right?
I'm going to make a couple changes next time I make this recipe. It calls for 1 lb of bacon and 1lb of noodles... depending on how many people I'm feeding I would just go ahead and do 1/2 lb of noodles. And make sure to crumble the bacon really well so it sticks to the noodles! Be brave and try it, it's the new year, and the bacon lovers in your life with thank you!

Here's the recipe! Let me know if you try it!     
 Bacon Spaghetti

Something else I love... but only once in awhile:
 Triscuits, dill pickles and cheddar cheese.
 Making fun little snacks makes me happy, and these are very unique and tasty. I do not eat pickles on anything but these. 
Again, just try it :)